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Renuvion J-Plasma Body Contouring in Washington, DC


Renuvion/J-Plasma has 2 main uses:

1) Subdermal coagulation to tighten skin on neck and body
2) Skin resurfacing for face for wrinkles and scars

Each process uses a different mechanism with different recovery processes, our treatments below focus on SUBDERMAL COAGULATION FOR SKIN TIGHTENING.


What is RENUVION ?
Renuvion (aka J-Plasma)
 represents a paradigm advancement in cosmetic surgery utilizing cold atmosphere plasma under the skin to IMMEDIATELY TIGHTEN and rejuvenate the skin on the face and body (Subdermal coagulation). An alternative for many individuals to tummy tucks (abdominoplasty), necklifts, arm lifts and body contouring for individuals with loose skin, all performed through tiny poke hole incisions under local anesthesia. This provides much quicker recovery times (1-2 days), avoids complications performed by other cosmetic surgical options and all performed without leaving long disfiguring & unsightly scars. It can be done as a stand alone procedure or used in combination adjunct with liposuction for individuals with loose skin. It is beneficial for all individuals with loose skin due to normal aging process, rapid weight loss, or after pregnancies. It causes skin tightening and body contouring improvements that were once unobtainable. Just see for yourself in Dr Varano’s 20 second video below.

How Does Renuvion energy work better than traditional laser energy?
Cold Plasma is created when a helium gas is energized by radiofrequency to provide much more precise and powerful energy though the J-plasma handpiece. Because Helium gas is very stable it can be ionized at very low energy levels providing precise and safe delivery. Because cold plasma is cooler than laser energy it provides less damage to the surrounding unintended treated tissue for a safe a quicker recovery than lasers, ultrasound and radiofrequency devices currently used in cosmetic surgery. Results can be seen immediately then at 1-2 weeks after the initial swelling subsides. Then can be very dramatic by 1 month and continue to improve over the next 3-6 months as collagen continues to build and improve.*


Watch 20 second video of 2 month before & after skin tightening effects on back skin done by Dr Drew Varano 

Video of how Renuvions plasma energy tightens the fibroseptal network under the skin in a intelligent way the heating effects cause the skin to tighten and shrink rap . Click to Schedule FREE consult 

J-Plasma can be done anywhere on the body that there is loose skin. It is most commonly performed on the neck, abdomen, flanks, upper arms, inner thighs & back skin bulge under the bra. For women who have loose skin post pregnancy or excessive weight loss where liposuction is not enough and a tummy tuck is not desired.

Because J -Plasma is extremely safe and effective. It uses precise energy at lower temperatures it will not burn skin like other forms of energy used in cosmetic medicine. Very few complications have been reported to date. Helium energy allows for shorter treatment times with reproducible and quicker immediate results.

If done in conjunction with liposuction there is no additional recovery time, typically 1-2 days followed by 1 week of possible bruising & swelling. Most people return to work 2 days later, with minimal need for any pain medicine, usually only over the counter Tylenol.

Cold atmospheric plasma has been well-studied in the scientific community for its unique ability to preferentially destroy different types of cancer and bacterial cells. The plasma energy from J-Plasma results in charged particles, reactive species and high electric fields that can act individually and synergistically on biological cells. It has been routinely used in Cardiac and Thoracic surgery, GYN oncology, colorectal and orthopedic spine surgeries.

Not to be confused with renuvion body contouring, but it uses the same physics laws and principals that plasma is the fourth state of matter. Matter forms solids--->liquids---> gas, then Plasma energy. (Completely different and NOT the same plasma in your blood  treatments). Plasma energy is able to provide a much higher degree of tightening and resurfacing than traditional laser CO2 treatments. A helium molecule is energized and able to produce much more energy with precision to affect ONLY the intended tissue. This is a paradigm shift in cosmetic medicine that now allows use to do BOTH skin TIGHTENING and RESURFACING with one modality.

eye lift

* Individual Results May Vary

Photos Courtesy Bovie Medical

We perform Subdermal coagulation for skin tightening which is 1-3 days recovery, for skin resurfacing with renuvion in general we say 2-3 weeks for recovery time and strict sun avoidance for 2-3 months post procedure. 

Renuvion Arms & Lipo 3 Week Before/After By Drew Varano MD
Renuvion Arms & Lipo 3 Week Before/After By Drew Varano MD
3 weeks before and after Arms by Dr Varano

Lower Face and Neck 3 Months After Treatment
Lower Face and Neck 3 Months After Treatment
Lower Face and Neck 3 Months After Treatment
Treatment by Drew Varano MD
Neck 2 Weeks After Treatment
Neck 2 Weeks After Treatment
Treatment by Drew Varano MD
Renuvion 1 Month After Upper Abdomen by Drew Varano MD
Renuvion 1 Month After Upper Abdomen by Drew Varano MD

Renuvion 1 Month After Upper Abdomen by Drew Varano MD

Renuvion for Bra Back Roll 2 months Before/After Treatment by Drew Varano MD
Renuvion for Bra Back Roll 2 months Before/After

Renuvion for Bra Back Roll 2 months Before/After

Renuvion/Lipo Before &
1 Month After Treatment by Drew Varano MD
Renuvion/Lipo Before &
1 Month After
Lipo/Renuvion combo 2 months after abdomen bending over less sag


J plasma
Plasma/lipo before and after Dr. Varano

Renuvion and Lipo Before and 1 Month After*

DR Drew Varano Renuvion Washington DC
Renuvion/J plasma to neck by Dr Varano 2 months

Renuvion/J Plasma neck at 6 weeks  Dr Varano
Renuvion/J Plasma neck at 6 weeks Dr Varano
before & After Renuvion ( J plasma) & Liposuction Drew Varano MD
Renuvion and neck Liposuction Drew Varano MD
Renuvion neck medical cosmetic enhancements/Drew Varano
Dr Varano neck Renuvion 2 months before/after

Renuvion/J-Plasma Body Contouring
Treatment by Drew Varano MD*
Renuvion/J-Plasma Body Contouring 2
Treatment by Drew Varano MD*
Upper/lower abdomen & flanks 2 months
Upper/lower abdomen & flanks 2 months Dr Varano *
Lovehandles Renuvion/J plasma Drew Varano MD
Love handles Treatment by Drew Varano MD*

* Individual Results May Vary

Dr Varano Renuvion arms
Renuvion (J-Plasma & Liposuction) posterior arm
Renuvion arm 6 weeks before & After Dr Varano
Renuvion arm 6 weeks before & After Dr Varano

Click to schedule a FREE consult 

20 second before & After pinch test showing skin tightening effects of Renuvion treatment by Drew Varano MD*

Renuvion/ J plasma treatment by Dr Varano
Renuvion treatment by Dr Varano pictured in Video above*

Renuvion Abdomen 6 weeks B&A Dr Varano
Renuvion Abdomen patient in video above Dr Varano

Renuvion Dr Varano

Videos on Renuvion Treatments*

*individual results may vary

Click to schedule a FREE consult 

    lower face and neck renuvion
    Lower face & Neck Renuvion Dr Varano
    2 months before /after Renivion
    2 months before /after Renivion Dr Varano
    Neck Renuvion
    Neck Renuvion Dr Varano
    Patient in Video 2 months before/after
    Patient in Video 2 months before/after
    Renuvion/ J plasma Dr Varano
    Patient in Video below
    Renuvion Dr Varano
    Notice skin tightening on lower and upper abdomen

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